Just in time for National Ice Cream Day, readers let us know where the best ice cream in Walnut Creek is. There are some delicious options!

“Best ice cream in Concord and dare I say East Bay goes to OBrien’s in Concord off of Bancroft Road. They serve Guanatos ice cream and popsicles and not only are they made with fresh ingredients and fruit but so good. Just my two cents from me and my toddler who agrees.” — Victoria in Concord
Victoria will be pleased to hear that O’Briens has three locations: Concord, Walnut Creek, and Martinez.
We took a peek and saw O’Brien’s offers over 50 flavors! Now that’s ice cream heaven.
Read the entire article at https://patch.com/california/walnutcreek/best-ice-cream-walnut-creek-area-chosen-patch-readers